Group + Summer Camp Offerings

Group Interest Form
If you're interested in enrolling in any groups with Three Rivers Music Therapy, please fill out this form.

Soothing Sensations
Soothing Sensations is a group built for teenagers and adults ages 16 and up. All ability levels are welcome and groups will be formed based on ability levels.
The goals of the group are to increase socialization, increase emotional expression, increasing sensory experiences and developing coping mechanisms.
These groups runs at locations in Creighton and Gibsonia.

Social Skills Rock Bands
Our rock bands are built for individuals with ADHD and Autism. Groups will be formed based on individual interest, location and ages (Minimum of 8 years old). No music experience or talent necessary, but an interest in singing, guitar, drums or keys or sound technology is necessary.
The goals of the group include increasing focus and attention, improving social skills, allowing for healthy peer interactions and teaching coping mechanisms.
Please contact us if you are interested and we will place you on our wait list. These groups are formed as needed and run in numerous locations across southwestern PA.

Early Childhood Groups and Family Experiences
Please Contact Us if you would like an early Childhood or Family Experiences Group to be held at your facility. Typically these groups are held at libraries, parks, or community centers, but can be hosted anywhere.

Irma Freeman Center Summer Camps
Camps at the Irma Freeman Center for Imagination run from June 22 through July 31 and range in topics from active music making to going on bike adventures, and acro yoga to theater camp. There is truly something for everyone. While the exact ages vary week to week, the overall age range is 6 – 13. Typically we run at least one group per summer.

Addiction Recovery Groups
This group is open to any female in recovery ages 18 and up. Located in the Shadyside neighborhood of Pittsburgh, group days and times are formed based on the availability of those interested.
This group is open to any individual in recovery ages 18 and up. Group days and times are formed based on the availability of those interested.

The Camaraderie Choir
This is a group for individuals with Parkinson’s Disease including rehearsals and a community performance. This group is currently on hold until further notice.